Bright People, Brilliant Solutions is a human resources initiative established in response to mandates set forth in UCI’s strategic plan. In particular, this initiative will identify, evaluate, select and drive specific projects that further the following strategic plan goals:
• Align resources with strategic priorities to expand innovation and impact, ensure student success, and enhance community and global engagement (Pillar 4; Goal 4.1; bullet 1)
• Invest in business and academic organizational frameworks to increase efficiency (Pillar 4; Goal 4.1; bullet 4)
• Evaluate gaps in staff support and create a plan for increased hiring or reallocation of resources where needed, particularly for research, technology, and areas of strategic expansion (Pillar 4; Goal 4.3; bullet 1)
• Develop and implement innovative efficiencies, including streamlining or eliminating outdated administrative processes (Pillar 4; Goal 4.3; bullet 2)
Our goal is to develop innovative, effective and cost-efficient solutions to people, process and system issues that are obstacles to achieving our strategic goals. New models will be proposed that are flexible, creative, sound and measurable.
Specifically, the initiative will:
by evaluating organizational effectiveness, particularly in the areas of research, technology and strategic expansion
by empowering them to be part of the solution
within staff, system and process frameworks
by implementing smart solutions
The work behind this initiative will be led by an interdisciplinary team of individuals from the campus, the medical center, and health sciences. Faculty, administrators, staff, and students will work side-by-side to create a better UCI. Cause and effect between constituents will be evaluated, discussed, considered and appreciated. Individually and as a whole, the team will build solutions that advance opportunities and create a more fulfilling and financially sustainable UCI. Progress will be reported regularly to the Chancellor and his cabinet to ensure that projects are advancing the strategic plan.
The following core competencies, best practices and services will be employed in the evaluation of proposed projects and the implementation of approved initiatives:
• Lean Six Sigma / Continuous Process Improvement
• Change Management
• Project Management
• Innovation
• Organizational Development
• Strategic Planning
This initiative builds upon a program currently in existence at UC Irvine Health to meet the challenges of the changing healthcare environment. Here the program provides leadership, mentorship and just-in-time training for Lean Six Sigma process improvement, change management, innovation, and organizational effectiveness. The program has yielded financial ROI (first year savings) that is two to five times higher than the department budget, in addition to the many documented improvements in quality, safety, and the patient experience. There is currently a portfolio of more than 50 active projects and interventions.
Already on the UCI main campus, we have initiated pilot projects in the following areas:
• Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ITCS): Reducing the time for clinical trial start-up
• ITCS: Improving the process of scholar-trainee transition to independent funding
• Clinical Trial Compliance Acceleration Task Force: Reduce the time from receipt of protocol to first date a patient can be enrolled in clinical trial.
• Department of Medicine Hiring Process
• Enterprise Performance Management Design
• UC Path Implementation
• HR Service Delivery Model
UCI’s brilliant future will require a diligent use of resources and a culture focused on efficiency, effectiveness and service. It will involve the inculcation of concepts, skills, and methodologies to our administrators, staff and faculty that inform innovation, continuous improvement, service efficiencies, and responsible growth. This initiative will capitalize on UCI’s collective talent and experience and put forward not just a rational vision for tomorrow, but an idealized reality that exceeds our aspirations and crystallizes our commitment to our university.