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Optimizing Performance
Setting Key Deliverables
UCI Employee Experience Center (EEC)
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
eec@uci.edu • 949.824.0500
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To support the key behaviors for your school or unit, specific and targeted trainings have been identified. Review your school/unit’s Key Behaviors to determine what to focus on.
Click on one of the key behaviors listed here to jump to that section.
Mind Gym: Getting Things Done
By thinking proactively and avoiding unhelpful attitudes, we can achieve much more.
Mind Gym: Out of Autopilot
Hack the autopilot in your brain to break those bad habits. Create a plan to build better habits and improve adaptability.
Mind Gym: Wood for Trees
The path to innovation begins in the environment around us. Spot opportunity by changing how you see things.
Mind Gym: Creativity for Logical Thinkers
Discover techniques to help even the most logical minds come up with creative and off-the-wall ideas.
Mind Gym: Unleash Your Creativity
By following a creative process, we will be able to understand problems and generate ideas to solve them.
Mind Gym: Pathfinder
Get more of what you want from your working life by taking control of your career.
Mind Gym: Staying Power
If you have staying power, you won’t give up on your goals too soon and you won’t slog away down a dead-end path either. You’ll persevere in the right areas and hit your long-term goals more often.
Mind Gym: Create Your Own Luck
Get what you want from life by thinking optimistically, spotting opportunities, and taking responsibility.
Mind Gym: Business Savvy
Become a big business player by changing the way you think and behave.
Mind Gym: Good Decision
Explore the ways we make decisions, and how practical techniques can make us more effective in a bind.
Mind Gym: Wood for Trees
The path to innovation begins in the environment around us. Spot opportunity by changing how you see things.
Mind Gym: Creativity for Logical Thinkers
Discover techniques to help even the most logical minds come up with creative and off-the-wall ideas.
Mind Gym: Unleash Your Creativity
By following a creative process, we will be able to understand problems and generate ideas to solve them.
Mind Gym: Critical Moments
It’s often difficult to know how to invest our time and energy at work. But not all of our decisions have equal pay-offs.
Mind Gym: Read the Need
Hone your detective skills to uncover what it is your customers really need.
Mind Gym: Customer Connection
As the world becomes increasingly digitized and automated, human connection is becoming more important than ever.
Mind Gym: Make Your Mark
Everyone in the organization has a role to play in delighting the customer and keeping them coming back for more. Here we can discover what you can do to boost your impact on the customer and make your mark.
Mind Gym: Cultural Explorer
Uncover how to navigate cultural challenges, including when curiosity goes rogue and navigating difficult cultural topics, like cultural appropriation.
Mind Gym: Now We’re Talking
Learn how to have constructive, well-intentioned conversations about tough topics. Create dialogue and discussion, rather than debate and conflict.
Mind Gym: Building Bridges
Build an inclusive environment by identifying and changing the behaviors that exclude others.
Mind Gym: Micromessages
Learn how to drive inclusion by avoiding and calling out subtle everyday acts of exclusion.
Mind Gym: Your Impact on Others
Improve your impact on others by understanding the motivations that drive people to behave as they do.
Mind Gym: Networking
Meeting the right people isn’t easy, but when we recognize our strengths, it can be a whole lot easier.
Mind Gym: Building Bridges
Build an inclusive environment by identifying and changing the behaviors that exclude others.
Mind Gym: Conflict Detox
Remove dysfunctional emotions and recognize toxicity, so you can turn conflicts into constructive moments.
Mind Gym: Saying What You Want
It’s not easy to get people to sit up and listen. To say what we want, we must be confident and prepared.
Mind Gym: Having Presence
We can change our level of presence by consciously changing the way we think and behave.
Mind Gym: Now We’re Talking
Learn how to have constructive, well-intentioned conversations about tough topics. Create dialogue and discussion, rather than debate and conflict.
Mind Gym: Home Truths
Knowing how to make the most of feedback means you’ll never dread receiving it again.
Mind Gym: Conflict Detox
Remove dysfunctional emotions and recognize toxicity, so you can turn conflicts into constructive moments.
Mind Gym: Change Agility
Change brings opportunity, but it’s still daunting. Learn how to face it and emerge stronger.
Mind Gym: Bounce Back
Learn how to bounce back from the everyday setbacks that life throws at us and come out even stronger.
Mind Gym: Ever Ready
With the right tools, change leaders can help employees lead headfirst into opportunity.
Mind Gym: Under Pressure
When the pressure is on, we sometimes don't notice the signs that we are really struggling to cope with work or, if we do, where to start to get help. This session is aimed to help us recognize our personal signs that we are in need to support. We then provide a set of strategies that help participants achieve a better understanding of their own responses to pressure, identify what they need help with, and how to ask for help.
Mind Gym: Out of Autopilot
Hack the autopilot in your brain to break those bad habits. Create a plan to build better habits and improve adaptability.
Mind Gym: Maxing Meaning
Unlock performance and wellbeing by aligning your work with what matters to you.
Mind Gym: Make Your Mark
Everyone in the organization has a role to play in delighting the customer and keeping them coming back for more. Here we can discover what you can do to boost your impact on the customer and make your mark.
Mind Gym: Make it Matter
Empower yourself with the tools you need to see a project through, from concept to completion.
Mind Gym: No Regrets
Bring an ethical touch to all that you do, even when emotions and stakes
are high.
Mind Gym: Standing Firm
Like the tides of the sea, unethical influences can be strong. Discover how to resist the pull.
Mind Gym: Call it Out
When it comes to witnessing or experiencing bullying and harassment at work, silence isn’t as golden as they say.